CAEP Participants
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Veterinary Technician Training Program

Western Veterinary Technician Training Program Details

Western Veterinary Technician Training Program technicians work alongside an equine veterinarian and/or other certified technician to provide care to horses. Veterinary Technician Training Program participants may provide nursing care for the horses, collect specimens and perform lab procedures, obtain medical histories, assist in preparation before and during surgeries or medical procedures, and also help educate owners of the horses. As a Veterinary Technician, you can not diagnose a horse's illness, prescribe any type of medication or perform any form of surgery. Western Veterinary Technician Training Program placements exist throughout the United States, but are primarily in the western states. Placements are generally 5 to 6 months in length, with most placements beginning in January. Good English and horse handling skills are required to take part in this program.

This program can include:

  • Lab Procedures
  • Obtaining medical history
  • Assist veterinarian

Program Availability:

Apply by December for a Training Program beginning in January


Some of the skills learned on this program may include:

  • Daily routines of the veterinary hospital
  • Administration of IV fluids and medication by IV and IM injections under supervision
  • Assist with ultrasonography and radiographic procedure
  • Assist with foaling
  • Assist with artificial insemination and embryo transfer in breeds that permit this

*Actual skills learned will vary by placement and previous experience

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